Welcome to the P.I.T.T. Home Page. The layout is so that all links are easy to follow & pretty much stated on this page, so if U get lost, just come right back here. :) & owing to the numerous complaints about the font size... it's now set to go to your browser default. Enjoy!
We might as well start with all the important stuff first. What U say? HUH? What was that?... Oh well too bad, we'll do it my way anyway.
We're a heavy metal band from South Africa. & the style of music we play varies from song to song, with some being slow, doomy & atmospheric, to others being pure speed & thrash, with all kinds of balances of heaviness and speed inbetween.
Updates to the site are made regularly. [A note shall be posted next to relevant links so as not to disrupt the flow of the page.]
We released a CD [March 2000], & it's available from us. All U need to do is click on this image to see what it's all about.
We've finally released our debut CD [December 2000], & it's available from us. All U need to do is click on the cover image to see what it's all about.
In February 2001 we [Marco, Stefan, Kerryn] left Johannesburg, South Africa & relocated to London, UK. We're going to give the 'international' scene a chance to hear what we have to offer & see what happens from here.
Next most important are the members I'd say. But don't take my word for it, decide for yourself. [Last Updated 12/08/2003]
Then there's the band history to take into account too. [Last Updated 17/12/2002]
& very important are all our up & coming Gigs - Check out what we are up to! [Last Updated 30/09/2003]
& then you can take a look at the Reviews of Gigs that we've already played! [Last Updated 12/08/2003]
- Our cool little mascot which was drawn by Caleb!
Here are some really cool Band Photos taken from various locals. [Last Updated 23/06/2003]
& then there are the Lyrics where U'll see what we actually say on stage. [Last Updated 11/05/2003]
We have a couple of songs in Real Audio, MP3 & OGG format for everyone to listen to. If you are interested in hearing these songs by all means go ahead. [Last Updated 28/06/2002]
& here are some links to places of interest... [Last Updated 03/11/2004]