
Welcome to the songs on the P.I.T.T. song page.

We're a heavy metal band from South Africa. On this page U shall find various MP3's & OGG's that U can download & listen to.

The style we play varies from song to song, w/ some being slow, doomy & atmospheric, to others being pure speed & thrash, w/ all kinds of balances of heaviness and speed inbetween.

Click on the links & feel free to listen.

If you dare!

The songs here are in reverse chronological order, as I think it's probably a good idea to listen to the new stuff 1st, cos we've improved a hell of a lot in the 6 years since we started playing. :-)

If U find these links damn slow, or are not in the UK & would prefer to use the P.I.T.T. @ MP3.com, U can't, cos the site's now gone.

The following two songs are taken from "Forced Disillusion".
Cage In Hell MP3 or OGG - A fast & hectic song with plenty of power behind it.
Shrouds Of Darkness MP3 or OGG - The second & faster part of the Darkness opus.

Morosity MP3 or OGG - was recorded & mixed on the 9th of October 1999 @ B# Studios in JHB with Marco on Vocals; Stefan on Rhythm Guitar & Backing Vocals; Kerryn on Drums; Tamlyn on Bass.
This song is only available in MP3 & OGG formats because the compilation CD it was meant to be released on never happened.

The following six songs can be found on "Three & a Half Years in the P.I.T.T. ...a Collection".
The Hand That Feeds MP3 or OGG - was recorded on the 24th of August 1999 @ B# Studios in JHB with Marco on Vocals; Stefan on Rhythm Guitar & Backing Vocals; Kerryn on Drums; Tamlyn on Bass.
Gathering Of Introverts (1999) MP3 or OGG - was recorded live on the 12th of January 1999 on the 5fm TDK sessions @ 23h30 with Marco on Vocals; Stefan on Rhythm Guitar & Backing Vocals; Kerryn on Drums; Tamlyn on Bass.
Little White Room MP3 or OGG - was recorded on the 10th of January 1999 @ B# Studios in JHB with Marco on Vocals; Stefan on Rhythm Guitar; Kerryn on Drums; Tamlyn on Bass. This is the heaviest song we'd recorded at the time & kicks major butt.
These next three songs were recorded in October 1997 @ B# Studios in JHB with Marco on Vocals; Stefan on Rhythm Guitar; Kerryn on Drums; Ritchie on Bass & all leads done by JP Di Stefani of B#.
The Dreamer MP3 or OGG - is a nice slow doom death song about lycanthropy.
Prison MP3 or OGG - is kinda our 'punky' number cos it's so bouncy.
Rogue Trooper MP3 or OGG- is a typical thrash song, nice, fast & heavy.

Gathering Of Introverts MP3 or OGG - was first recorded in October 1996 @ Cube Studios in JHB with our original line-up & has a definite 'Suicidal Tendencies' flavour to the vocals. This song is available on "13 - a compilation"

We have a couple of Real Audio Samples up on the Powerzone. Go listen to Gathering of Introverts, which was released on 13, & Little White Room, which was also released on New Breed Vol. 1.
